Bushwalk Australia preaches to the converted

On 24th February, I registered with the bushwalking forum, Bushwalk Australia, and proceeded to scribe and submit my first post concerning the tragic deaths of two on a Wollongambe canyoning trip in the Blue Mountains National Park on 2nd January 2021 by some bushwalking club, as follows: “Dear All, Well, where is Blue Mountains Best Practice for Canyoning? Blue Mountains […]

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BMATA: the tourism oligopoly that ate itself

There once was an outfit dubbed BMATA, which grew out of failed BMLOT, which grew out of BMAA, which grew apart from BMCC. BMATA (Blue Mountains Accommodation and Tourism Association BMLOT (Blue Mountains Lithgow and Oberon Tourism BMAA (Blue Mountains Accommodation Association) BMTA (Blue Mountains Tourism Authority, a division of the Blue Mountains Council) NSW Railways   No amount of […]

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When Polk ‘Salad’ Sammy rode into Katoomba

There once ruled a coercive Canadian, Big bully Sammy had rode into town, Her fiefdom in our tourist office, Hated everyone, abused locals, she had no clue, Schitzo, dark on the mountains, and the world, “A wretched, spiteful, straight-razor totin’ woman”, Polk Salad Sammy Psycho gaters had got at Sammy Must have been of Snag up Yukon, Where temps plummet […]

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Blue Mountains tourism languishes in ego politics

In February 2014, the Blue Mountains tourism body lost its chairman, treasurer and secretary all at once.  Blue Mountains, Lithgow and Oberon Tourism with the silly acronym, BMLOT, lost its 6-year serving chairman Randall Walker, treasurer Geoff Luscombe, and secretary Wayne Cooper.  Why? It was taken over by big council interests.  Councillor and former mayor, Daniel Myles took over, keen […]

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