Nature Trail Policies

Nature Trail is currently compiling its policies within its internal Business Operations Manual.

Each policy provides a guiding framework and prescriptive procedures for each of Nature Trail’s tour operations and business activities.   Our goal is to achieve the highest quality standards and best practice in everything we do and to continually learn as we go.

Selective policies are listed on Nature Trail’s website where we consider it appropriate to do so.

Our Headline Policies:

  • Business Offerings Policy (scope, business fit, profitable, acceptable risk)
  • Quality Development Cycle Policy (new areas/routes evaluated, qualifications renewal/updating, new qualifications, research updating, periodic review of policies, periodic review of relevant industry standards, compliance, relevant legislation and case law, review of offerings, target markets, business viability and business value)
  • Standards Policy
  • Code of Practice Policy
  • Trip Leader Policy (character, background referrals, qualifications, experience log, skills-sets, leadership style, skills enhancement plan)
  • Tour Directing Policy
  • Tour Design Policy
  • Trip Planning Policy
  • Trip Delivery Governance Policy (safety briefings, monitoring participant safety/health/welfare/ enjoyment, agreement features adherence, route adherence, itinerary adherence)
  • Tour Agreement Policy  (Applicant vetting, bookings, payments, terms and conditions, cancellations)
  • Participant Conduct Policy (Tours and Treks)
  • Scouting and Practice Trips Policy
  • Commercial Road Tours Policy (common interest tours, special interest tours)
  • Commercial Hiking Tours Policy
  • Commercial Trekking Policy
  • Tour Equipment Policy (hiking clothing, gear, rucksack camping, navigation, communications, first aid, catering)
  • Tour Vehicle Policy
  • Support Vehicles Policy (Tours, Treks)
  • Friends of Nature Trail Policy
  • Alumni Subscription Policy
  • Risk Management Policy
  • Group Field Leadership Policy (group cohesion, conflict management)
  • Incident Management Policy (triggers, scenarios, response, leadership style)
  • Emergency Management Policy (triggers, scenarios, response, triage, leadership style, delegations)
  • Missing Participant Policy
  • Alliance Partner Policy
  • Subcontractor Engagement Policy
  • Trip Backup Policy
  • Legal Compliance Policy (Insurances, ASIC Reporting & Renewals
  • Marketing & Pricing Policy
  • Website Policy  (Website Design, Website Management, Hosting Renewals, Content, Mountains Drums, Advertising, Internet (social) Media)
  • Administration Policy (Record Keeping, Bookkeeping, Tax reporting

This list in not complete. Details of each are to follow.

(content pending)

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This webpage updated 6th January 2023.