Grand Canyon One-Way to Heat Stroke

Grand Canyon Walking Track forced to be taken one way by Parks Service
Continue reading »Grand Canyon Walking Track forced to be taken one way by Parks Service
Continue reading »Arguably, the Blue Mountains’ most iconic and accessible day hike through nature is the ‘Grand Canyon Walking Track’ is best hiked anti-clockwise
Continue reading »The harbinger to a year of calamity started at 10.17pm on Wednesday 7th August 2019 when a 1.9 magnitude quake struck Katoomba. Many of the reports came from Katoomba and Leura but there were others from nearby Wentworth Falls and Hazelbrook. The tremor brought back local memories of previous quakes. The last one in the Blue Mountains Region was on […]
Continue reading »Echo Point Lookout to the Three Sisters pagodas in the Blue Mountains just keeps attracting massive government funding for expansion to attract more crowds. A whopping $22 million has been poured to this lookout by government since 2003 seemingly fixated on the premise that mass tourism visitation must translate to greater prosperity for local tourism. No, the reality of mass […]
Continue reading »Twenty years in the Blue Mountains region and I have been planning my own business, even before then. Business planning is ongoing so as to cope with changes, like unemployment. I have recently joined Lithgow Tourism, being a tour operator based in nearby Katoomba, with a key focus on encouraging visitors to the Lithgow Region from Blue Mountains stays. Like […]
Continue reading »Blue Mountains tourism particularly local tour operators such as myself have continued to suffer financial losses from the dearth of visitation since December 2019. Communities entrust government to respond to emergencies like bushfires; yet outside urban centres, World Heritage ecology and rural communities are treated like second class citizens. Government ‘she’ll be right’ bushfire policy of ‘Advice’, escalating invariably ‘Emergency […]
Continue reading »Here we go again… Bushfires lockdown the entire Blue Mountains The widespread bushfire ‘mega-blaze‘ disaster of Christmas 2019 that was mishandled and allowed to rage and spread over two months, ended up destroying 80 percent of the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area as well as many other natural regions of New South Wales. Dubbed by our sister conservation entity […]
Continue reading »For the past five years I have invested in a start-up tour operation based in Katoomba in the heart of the Blue Mountains World Heritage Area. Tour operators will be well aware of the qualification courses, the business setup and compliance costs before government allows you to step one foot commercially into a ‘national’ park. So tour vehicle purchased, equipped […]
Continue reading »There once ruled a coercive Canadian, Big bully Sammy had rode into town, Her fiefdom in our tourist office, Hated everyone, abused locals, she had no clue, Schitzo, dark on the mountains, and the world, “A wretched, spiteful, straight-razor totin’ woman”, Polk Salad Sammy Psycho gaters had got at Sammy Must have been of Snag up Yukon, Where temps plummet […]
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