We are perplexed by the thrill-seeking desire of certain bushwalking clubs to promote dangerous chasm “exposure“. Bushwalking is on-track bushwalking. Then again adventurous bushwalking clubs beg to differ, insisting that bushwalking can do whatever they want and go wherever they choose – bush-bashing through sensitive ecology, vertical rock scrambling, canyoning, lilo canyoning, rock climbing. But are such heightened hazardous activities […]
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Two bushwalkers decided to take a hike down in the Jamison Valley and en route that it would be fun to climb up Vera Falls. It was Monday 7th October 2019 on a Labour Day holiday long weekend. The two females aged 51 and 52 chose to hike the Hippocrene Falls circuit track from The Conservation Hut and return […]
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Around midday on Thursday, 28th July in 2016 a male visitor (32) on a day trip to the Blue Mountains decided to set off hiking from the Conservation Hut at Wentworth Falls into the remote Jamison Valley during the depth of winter. While hiking, he reportedly injured his ankle, possibly along one of the lower Jamison Valley tracks such as […]
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