Complaint to ICAC against Service NSW Grant Clawback Extortion Scheme (PART 2)

So, following our formal submission to the NSW I.C.A.C. dated 14th September 2024 exposing Service NSW grant clawback and extortion and accusing it of corruption by this NSW public authority, we receive the following email acknowledgement dated 18th September 2024 from ICAC:
Ok, so NSW I.C.A.C. has acknowledged receipt of our reported complaint via its official website of corruption by NSW Government public authority, Service NSW.
That’s a start. But we note the clause in ICAC’s reply email even before it has read our submission:
“Please note that not all matters we receive result in an investigation.”
We comment that the ICAC’s default privacy notice on its email above relates to the intended recipient’s privacy. The intended recipient in this case has chosen to make his privacy herein public as his volition. So “any use, disclosure or copying of this email or its attachments” is authorised by the intended recipient.
[1] ‘Complaint to ICAC against Service NSW Grant Clawback Extortion Scheme (PART 1)‘, 20th September 2024, Nature Trail’s community blog ‘Mountains Drums’, dedicated blog campaign ‘Government Indian Givers, ^