Katoomba’s Town Centre Charrette Plan of 1999 – CONTENTS
[Editor’s Note: This Web Book comprises 19 chapters, each a webpage. It remains a work-in-progress and we expect to complete it by August 2023. ‘The Katoomba Charrette Outcomes Report of 1999’ comprises some 133 pages and 47,000 words. A complete copy is embedded herewith toward the end of Chapter 7, and may be downloaded, since it is a public document. It is taking us time to summarise the report, as well as outlining the subsequent planning of Katoomba that followed. Please bear with us].

>Chapter 5: ‘Design Charrette’ Adaptation to Katoomba’s Town Centre
>Chapter 6: Katoomba Charrette Objectives
>Chapter 7: The Katoomba Charrette Outcomes Report 1999
>Chapter 8: Katoomba’s Context
>Chapter 9: Interlocking Town Planning Problems
>Chapter 10: Interlocking Town Planning Solutions
>Chapter 11: The role/function of Katoomba’s Town Centre
>Chapter 12: Revitalisation Strategies
>Chapter 13: Transport and Access Improvements
>Chapter 14: Proposals for Key Sites
>Chapter 15: Implementation Recommendations & Conclusion
>Chapter 16: Council’s Concurrent Town Planning Approach
>Chapter 17: Council’s parallel universe – “We know What’s Best“
>Chapter 18: Council’s Obstruction and Counter Imposts
>Chapter 19: The Bad Outcomes Katoomba Copped Two Decades Hence