Meanwhile…Service NSW grant clawback scammers persist – so we envisage bringing in ‘Herbert the Pervert’ voice change payback…

Government fetish for deploying ‘AI’…but can the Service NSW bullying debt collectors cop counter-attack in reversal?



[PS. Personally, we choose ESET antivirus software and another VPN product and also other secure Internet tools for our Internet security.]

Recognise this building, Service NSW scammers working from home?

Service NSW headquarters where its secret internal Business Bureau directing the grant clawback scam is hold up co-ordinating their clawback scammers from their exact home location.  Of course Premier Chris Minns does an Albo – “nothing to see here!

Our website thus far has received 2 bots of DDOS attacks from we presume Service NSW and its unconscionable ‘first namers only‘ working from home – like: ‘Angela’, ‘Sam’, ‘Ellen’ ,’Nicole’, ‘Ruchi’, ‘Paula’, ‘Cindy’, ‘Blair’, etc. – all pseudonyms our of some bureaucratic bucket list of fakes.

All pure scammers high five-ing their clawback commissions every fortnightly pay cheque from Service NSW CEO Greg Wells.

Well, we’ve contacted NSW ‘law enforcement’ about Service NSW ‘2021 COVID-19 Micro Business Grant and its retrospective clawback extortionate scam…

We’ll keep you updated.