Nature Trail’s 2021 Application for the Micro Business Grant – to benefit others’ memories of lodgement

Part of Nature Trail’s policy is to record and maintain vital records. This of course applies particularly to each our tour guests in their trip applications submitting their details we request for risk and safety reasons ahead of a given trip we undertake.
We consider this to be best practice for all concerned and a critical part of that record keeping is respecting privacy. Our guests provide us with their personal details in case of an emergency, and only for that reason. Mutual trust has to be core with each trip and is a fundamental value of our tour operation.
Likewise, when Nature Trail applied for the 2021 COVID-19 Micro Business Grant way back on 1st August 2021, we kept immediate records upon application – every single one, and their well backed up.
So, for the benefit of approved applicants of this particular grant who are currently being immorally harassed by Service NSW debt collectors to give it all back to the NSW Government on spurious concocted grounds, we offer up our own application details below. We have redacted our personal details for due privacy reasons, and frankly which are not relevant to anyone.
The reason we provide this is because this may assist others who did not consider retaining such records but by reading our submission. This may help to jog their memory of what they selected in their application. It might help to refresh their recollection about what they submitted and so strengthen their case against Service NSW subsequent ‘audit’ now nearly two years later.
We provide this otherwise complete, freely downloadable and so printable, in good faith.
- It is unconscionable conduct by Service NSW to delay its so-called ‘audit’ so long to target approved grant applicants.
- It is unconscionable conduct by Service NSW to by default to treat approved grant applicants as default fraudsters without any specified basis
- It is unconscionable conduct by Service NSW to by default to auto-dismiss approved grant applicants as vaguely somehow ineligible retrospectively for the NSW Government grant they received.
- It is unconscionable conduct by Service NSW to threaten and intimidate anyone – we copped this in spades
Service NSW Business Bureau Executive Director, Cassandra Gibbens in charge of this extortionate governmental claw-back scam and she has a lot to answer for.
Here she is:
Service NSW current brief bio on her reads:
“Cassandra Gibbens has more than 20 years of experience in the NSW public sector. Prior to joining Service NSW, Cassandra worked in the areas of human resources, industrial relations, strategy, planning and project roles in Transport for NSW and Revenue NSW.
As the Executive Director of the Service NSW Business Bureau, Cassandra is responsible for:
- leading the business customer service
- strategy
- business engagement
- digital product functions for the Service NSW Business Bureau.
Cassandra joined the Service NSW Business Bureau in March 2022 and under her leadership, the teams work together to support businesses at every stage of their business journey.”