ROBODEBT Mk 2.0: Service NSW COVID-19 Micro Business Grant extortion scandal – Jihad Dib and Courtney Houssos in cahoots

Based on recent feedback received from a number of grant recipient business owners contacting us uncertain with what to do about Service NSW‘s (NSW Department Digital Government) of ongoing scam ‘audit’, we have discovered that NSW Minister Jihad Dib MP’s second ministry (the NSW Department of Customer Service) is in on this extortion racket.
Minister Dib MP is currently overseeing the issuing of baseless debt invoices being dispatched to thousands innocent small business owners who received the NSW government’s pandemic compensation funding grant.
Revenue NSW (aka NSW Department of Finance) is under the control and authority of Minister for Finance Courtney Houssos MLC. Dib has arranged to have Houssos start issuing Service NSW debt notices willy nilly with no justification.
Jihad Dib and Courtney Houssos in cahoots in this ROBODEBT Mk 2.0 Grant extortion scandal.
Here’s another example we have received just a few days ago – note the three Minns Ministry agencies on the one invoice:
- Service NSW [ABN 37 552 837 401] (under Minister Jihad Dib MP)
- Department of Customer Service [ABN 81 913 830 179] (under Minister Jihad Dib MP)
- Revenue NSW [ABN 77 456 270 638] formerly trading as ‘State Debt Recovery’, formerly trading as ‘Office of State Revenue’ formerly trading as ‘Infringement Processing Bureau’ so take your pick (under Minister for Finance, Courtney Houssos MLC).

Another Minns Mafia Extortion Invoice – Who the hell is NSW “Customer Service” as shown atop the invoice letter head? It certainly isn’t the grant contract department Service NSW [ABN 37 552 837 401] Therefore, any grant recipient receiving such an invoice from an entity with ABN 81 913 830 179 must be deemed as invalid.
And guess what? Neither Jihad Dib nor Courtney Houssos have any qualifications in accounting or finance. They both have bloody Arts degrees which are totally irrelevant to their multiple ministerial portfolios. Bloody seat warmers appeasing some diversity quota mantra!
We brand all this ‘ROBODEBT Mark 2.0’
Service NSW co-called ‘audit’ of its long assessed and approved grant payout of 2021 is far from being even close be being a proper audit.
Rather we consider this to be blatant ‘extortion‘ = “the practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats.”
“Extortion is a serious criminal offence in Australia that involves compelling another person to do something against their will, often through the use of threats or intimidation. This unlawful act carries severe consequences under Australian law, including hefty fines and significant prison sentences”. [SOURCE]
Yet, this is exactly what these three departments (jointly under Messrs. Dib and Houssos) are currently undertaking against thousands of innocent honest small business owners across New South Wales, who have done nothing wrong.
Yet another grant recipient targeted for illegitimate debt recovery hand-balled by Service NSW (Minister Jihad Dib) to Revenue NSW (Minister Courtney Houssos MLC).
Was the change to Minns as promised?
On 10 March 2023, Chris Minns promised NSW taxpayers that he would comply with the law, saying “any promise that we make in this election campaign is costed by the Parliamentary Budget Office”.
But check out all the intimidating extortion this innocent small business owner (grant recipient) continues to cop from the Minns Ministry:
How this Minns Ministry extortion racket works:
- The Berejiklian NSW LNP Government passes laws from 2020 to mandatorily lockdown the state’s economy under an emergency premise of containing a foreign viral pandemic it catastrophically failed to quarantine;
- The Berejiklian NSW LNP Government rightly invites (in this case) a compensation funding its ‘2021 COVID-19 Micro Business Grant‘ of up to $15,214 to NSW small businesses;
- Applications for the 2021 COVID-19 Micro-business Grant opened on 26 July 2021 and closed on 18 October 2021. Some 82,497 applications were received, 63009 paid totalling $781.1 million;
- The Minns NSW Labor Party wins the NSW state election on 25 March 2023;
- The incoming Minns Ministry discovers that it has inherited a record $187.5 billion in debt from the LNP;
- Under desperate financial directives, Service NSW inducts outsourced debt collectors on commission to sic grant recipients with wide eyes on the paid out $781.1 million, justified on the bogus tar brush basis that a few bad apples had rorted the government grant process (as invariably occurs);
- Two weeks after the NSW election on 11 April 2023, Nature Trail receives a threatening ‘NO Caller ID’ phone call and then email from ‘Angela’ purporting to be from Service NSW, accusing us retrospectively of being ineligible for the approved and paid out grant (of nigh two years prior) and as a “fraudster”. Thousands of similar NSW grant recipients are similarly tar-brushed as also somehow ineligible (long after approval and payment) and similarly intimidated under CEO Greg Wells (Service NSW Godfather?);
- Service NSW’s internal secretive ‘Business Bureau‘ headed by Cassandra Gibbens (Madam Iron Butterfly?) dispatches scamming tactics by contracted anonymous debt collectors to intimidate these grant recipients using spurious unfounded accusations and demanding a “reassessment” repeat of the entire grant approval process including attaching required evidentiary documentation;
- Grant recipients struggle to deal with the debt collectors’ relentless demands and are genuinely intimidated by this big brother style harassment that goers on for months calculated to wear down each individual business owner;
- Service NSW ultimately rejects all documentary evidence provided again to it by the targeted grant recipients, and unilaterally dismisses each grant recipient as being ineligible for the grant on baseless grounds;
- Minister in charge, Jihad Dib MP, orders Service NSW to delegate to his sister ministry (NSW Department of Customer Service) to copy-paste Service NSW grant payment details of each targeted grant recipient to become debt collection invoices to execute Premier Minns desperate cash-strapped bidding and so extort bogus recovery of the totals of each paid out grant;
- Jihad Dib MP secretly hooks up with fellow NSW Cabinet Minister for Finance Courtney Houssos (in charge of Revenue NSW) to induct hundreds of Pit bull debt collectors to extort money from innocent grant recipients by going for small business jugulars – invalid invoicing using unrelated Department of Customer Service department ABN 81 913 830 179, further immoral scam contact approaches by phone and email, intimidation threats, demands for family income and banking, threats of garnishee orders… Why not also bomb threats Jihad?;
- Minns Ministry can announce budget savings reducing debt by $13 billion “despite inheriting the largest debt ever passed from one government to another”.
[1] ‘COVID-19 micro-business grant‘ – 1. Closed date | 2. Applications received | 3. Applications paid | 4. Value of paid or approved applications, as part Closed Service NSW emergency financial programs for individuals and businesses, on Service NSW website accessed 2024-08-14, ^