Service NSW Micro Business Grant – Terms and Guidelines

Many small business in New South Wales currently adversely impacted by the Minns Labor Government’s extortion scam by its mega Service NSW department, have contacted Nature Trail following our counter blog campaign to expose such threatening scammers.

So, we offer up our website to provide relevant documentation to assist those impacted, as follows. Both documents are originals from the Service NSW website from 1st August 2021, being the time Nature Trail lodged its grant application.  Anyone is free to download these and print them off.

The Micro Business Grant – Guidelines:


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The Micro Business Grant – Terms and Conditions:


[Author’s Note:   The following Terms and Conditions we obtained and downloaded from the Service NSW website back on 1st August 2021 at the time of Nature Trail’s application for this COVID-19 Micro-Business Grant $15214.  This is before Service NSW, and what we have since regarded their internal grant extortion department, commenced changing the terms retrospectively and replacing the original terms and conditions subsequently on its website.  It is clearly an immoral underhand tactic to amended the originally agreed terms to suit Service NSW’s dodgy so-called ‘audit’ scheme.  Any reliance upon such altered terms and conditions post contract  agreement/acceptance date legally make the contract and audit null and void under commercial contract law.]


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Relevant Useful Lay Advice:


[This Author & Publisher’s upfront Disclaimer

The ‘lay advice’ offered concerning this grant matter on this Nature Trail website is non-professional and purely based upon the author’s own experience in dealing with this matter.  So, it may not be appropriate nor relevant for all readers’ particular circumstances.  It is offered pro-bono.  It is not legal advice, nor accounting advice nor business advice.

So, readers use this information at their own discretion and risk.

If any reader wishes to consider the path of a legal challenge against Service NSW and/or Revenue NSW, then they will be wise to first seek expert legal counsel from those knowledgeable and experienced in this particular area of governmental contract law, but mindful that government, even if in the wrong, has bottomless pockets and can readily fund expensive law firms indefinitely out of taxpayers’ money. 

Similarly, if any reader wishes to take an accounting challenge against Service NSW and/or Revenue NSW, that they will be wise to first seek expert accounting/audit and perhaps taxation advice specific to this grant audit. We are not aware of any such expert firms.

Readers are and remain responsible for the decisions they make, and will be solely responsible for any damage or loss whatsoever that results from such use.

This author and publisher:

  • Disclaim to the fullest extent permitted by law all guarantees, warranties or representations of acceptable quality and fitness for any purpose, security, reliability, completeness and accuracy of this book and any of its contents;
  • Take no responsibility for any error, omission or defect;
  • Do not accept liability for any loss, damage, cost or expense you or others might incur as a result of the information provided or incorporated into this book by reference.]

Challenging Service NSW’s ‘Audit’ Claims:


(1)      Nature Trail’s Micros Business Grant application dated 1st August 2021 for the NSW Government’s COVID-19 lockdown was duly approved by Service NSW on 11 August 2021.

Our accounting records verify that this followed a 10-day manual assessment of our application by Service NSW.  This included Nature Trail in the interim responding to manual requests by Service NSW scrutineers to supply additional evidentiary records, which we have records to this effect in writing.

So this approval process was in no way “automatic” as the ring-in scammers of Service NSW have so baselessly claimed to us.  The Grant was approved to us in writing on 11th August 2021, as follows:



In the professional Auditing profession, a genuine external financial audit seeks to verify the validity of submitted evidence in external financial reporting.  The primary objective of a financial audit is to provide reasonable assurance that financial statements are accurate and complete to regulators, investors, directors, and other stakeholders.

However, it is out of scope of professional auditing to seek additional evidence outside these parameters. This makes Service NSW’s so-called grant “audit” an illegitimate and fabricated sham process.  It is a flagrant and complete abuse of Service NSW’s authority.

Once submitted evidence is approved and then paid out by the provider, in this case Service NSW, the contract consideration paid becomes the final stage of a commercially legal contract – (1) Invitation to Treat by Service NSW, (2) The grant applicant’s Offer, (3) Service NSW Acceptance and (4) its Consideration (payment).  End of story.

Political attempt immediately by the incoming Minns Labor Government in NSW in the aftermath of its 25th March 2023 election win to claw back the Berejiklian Liberal Government’s compensatory grant offering to lockdown-impacted NSW small businesses, is invalid, blatant extortion and politically motivated by Minns.

Labor’s ‘Minns Mafia’ overseeing Service NSW grant extortion racket post the NSW Liberal Government

(2)     MyServiceNSW Account – No Audit Notifications:


Service NSW requires each of its customers to register a discrete online account on its website using a unique email address plus a secure password, plus providing verified personal identification in this, its identification registration process.

This is the webpage:


This was a critical initial step of Services NSW COVID-19 Micro-business Grant application process during 2021.

Yet, in Nature Trail’s experience at NO TIME subsequently during Service NSW so-called grant “audit” process from 2023, did Service NSW notify its so-called “audit” to us using this official secure online website portal’s NOTIFICATIONS.

Look at the following and perpetually current Service NSW ‘NOTIFICATIONS‘ webpage result for us:


If the audit was legitimate, why did SERVICE NSW not utilise its official secure portal to officially communicate its audit programme?

It is because the audit was not official.

Instead, unprofessionally and suspiciously, Nature Trail was only contacted by phone out of the blue initially and then by email and phone by anonymous phone callers using only their first name (real or fake), failing to identify themselves as public servants of Service NSW using any position title or office address.

Here’s an example Nature Trail received:

Service NSW grant audit by anonymous agents, like ‘Angela’ – her real name?


Consequently, we treated SERVICE NSW’s so-called “audit” as the extortion scam it was from the ‘get go’.

We suggest, similarly targeted businesses by this dodgy government claw back scheme check their own records, then duly record such for their Challenge Case against Service NSW’s grant extortion scheme.