NSW Member for Port Macquarie raises questions in Parliament about Service NSW COVID-19 Micro Business Grant Audit scandal

During 2023, as Service NSW CEO Greg Wells was driving his ring-in debt collection scheme within his secret internal ‘Business Bureau’ to tar-brush target ordinary grant recipients to try to claw back thousands of grant payments, his Bureau’s intimidating behaviour was starting to come under the spotlight of the New South Wales Parliament. We subsequently learn that in the NSW […]

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Another small business victim of Service NSW Robodebt 2.0 ‘audit’ extortion speaks out…

Another NSW small business owner victim has come forward to share their experience of the awful financially threatening intimidation by Service NSW debt collectors. In desperate response the following (received) is the victim’s letter of complaint in response to Service NSW to its baseless intimidation and extortion. Read on… My immediate concern is your demand for ‘re-payment’ of your grant? […]

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NSW small business owner Kerrie’s experience of the Orwellian behaviour of the Minns Ministry

With the author’s permission, below we reproduce the following letter of complaint by a NSW small business owner (one of thousands of recipients of the ‘2021 Service NSW COVID-19 Micro Business Grant‘) to Service NSW CEO Greg Wells.  We’ve redacted her surname to respect her privacy and added a few pertinent images.   August 6, 2024 Attention To: Mr. Gregg […]

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Service NSW 2021 COVID-19 Micro Business Grant – when government goes bad, stick to your principles

Service NSW Business Bureau under Executive Director Cassandra Gibbens and Service NSW CEO Greg Wells continue to behave unconscionably towards hundreds, if not thousands of New South Wales small business owners who have been legitimately approved recipients of the NSW Government’s pandemic lockdown compensation through 2021. Liberal’s Gladys paid it out, and Labor’s incoming Chris Minns is clawing it back […]

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Service NSW facing massive job cuts – the contract scammers first to go we hope!

Now here’s some recent good news for small business owners still being hounded senseless by dodgy Service NSW’s concocted fake debt collecting mongrels. Hundreds of government jobs in New South Wales are set to be slashed, in the first of several expected restructures of the state’s bloated public service. The ‘2021 COVID-19 Micro Business Grant’ was a grant to suffering […]

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Victims of Service NSW Grant dodgy ‘audit’ scam – Statement of Outcomes

Statement of Outcomes sought by Approved Grant Applicants (victims) of Service NSW ‘audit’ (scam) Dated : 21st July 2024 * 1. NSW Premier Chris Minns MP to immediately order the permanent cancellation of his government’s department, Service NSW’s current audit (scam) applying to outstanding ‘Approved Grant Applicants’ of the 2021 COVID-19 Micro Business Grant offered and paid by Service NSW […]

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Centrelink’s Robodebt computer scam (2016-2018) intimidated 2030 vulnerable Australians to suicide

Do politicians in New South Wales read the news, else are they so in such a self-absorbed bubble mindset that the reality faced by ordinary Australians, and moreso vulnerable struggling Australians, don’t factor in their head space?  Why then do they pretend to represent us lot, including those trying to earn a crust? We reproduce the following online articles because […]

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Service NSW Micro Business Grant debt collectors go ‘low-brow’ handover to Revenue NSW. It’s ‘Robodebt Mark 2.0’

Despicably, Service NSW’s contracted debt collectors have started resorting to invoicing Approved Grant Applicants (grant recipients). This is a sudden escalation of Service NSW grant claw-back scam.  Now these immoral bureaucrats are demanding 100% refunds from many grant recipients.  Unconscionably, this protected species of abominable bureaucrats are treating the grants now somehow as ‘loans‘. So they are wildly imaging that […]

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We win the war against Service NSW ‘indian giving’ grant audit

Vindicated!   The year-long ‘audit’/’compliance review’ by Service NSW (New South Wales Minns Labor Government) into the $15,214 pandemic  compensatory grant paid to my business Nature Trail has just been finalised by Service NSW on 3 May 2024, without any penalty of debt obligation upon me being imposed. The matter is closed. See the email below by Tina Dougherty, Director, SNSW Business […]

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NSW Government $110,000+ fine threat from Minister Jo Haylen’s Transport Department – nice one!

Today, Monday 15th April 2024, Nature Trail’s Tour Director, Steve, received an out-of-the blue phone call to our base at 1:38pm from someone called Kimberley Warren.  She claimed to be from the NSW Government’s Department of Transport sub-department, bureaucratically entitled ‘Point to Point Transport Commission‘. The woman on the phone quickly threatened us with a $110,000 fine because she had […]

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Service NSW COVID-19 Micro Business Grant – CEO Greg Wells overseeing ‘indian-giving’ claw-back scam?

The following article is now part of Nature Trail’s blog campaign against Service NSW in its immoral and illegal debt collection scam. This is our internal link to that campaign: https://naturetrail.com.au/blog-category/government-indian-givers/   Service NSW seems unconscionably hell-bent on federal Centrelink’s notorious 2016 Robodebt method of clawing back its 2021 ‘COVID Lockdown Micro Business Grant‘ funding – two years hence in […]

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