Dodgy Service NSW’s 2021 Micro Grant Terms and Conditions are changing like the wind

So too does its Micro Business Grant Guidelines.
We’ve suspected and now discovered that what started out as a proverbial ‘woolly mammoth‘ of Service NSW’s originally offered Grant Application Guidelines and rather less accessible Grant ‘Terms and Conditions’ back in 2021; well over successive years into now 2024, that Woolly Mammoth wording has morphed into the more convenient looking ‘elephant‘ to so suit Service NSW’s dodgy ‘audit’ debt collection clawback mischief.
Service NSW’s in-house legal eagle focus group by manipulating the clause wordings have been reaping bonus rewarding field days! Long lunches just a 10-minute suited stroll from its Rawson Place headquarters to fine dining establishments in Sydney’s Chinatown…
How do we know the Grant Terms and Conditions are so changing like the wind?
Well, our Tour Director, Steve, has a habit of keeping records meticulously. His career background before embarking on Nature Trail from 2013 was into helicopter flying, corporate accounting and business analysis – so developed somewhat of a penchant for needing to be accurate.
Steve, in his successful application for the Grant back on 1st August 2021 via Service NSW’s website portal, kept every digital record of that lodgement. This included making a copy of every page of his application, of every attached supportive evidentiary document, as well as a complete copy of the Grant’s Guidelines plus of the Grant Terms and Conditions at that time, plus backup copies.
Those original records – the Grant’s original Guidelines plus the Grants original Terms and Conditions were published on this website blog thus on 17 July 2024 dating to 1st August 2021:
We supply respective copies of those two original documents of 2021 as follows:
Service NSW’s dodgy rehashing of both original documents…
Ok, so then recently in August 2024 we received respective updates of both, thus:
We note that both updated documents have been substantially changed by Service NSW.
Yet Service NSW mischievously claims they are the originals dated “from Sat. 24.07/2021 – 13:50“.
Lies! Here, Service NSW management is committing fraud by wrongly and knowingly claiming that these two key reference documents are both originals.
We invite readers to download and print off the two version of each document and compare them.
Note that this latest set includes a text header as follows:
Dodgy or what?
We have the compared the original version with the changed copies. We have counted more than 12 substantive clause changes to the Grant Guidelines and more than 18 substantive clause changes to the Grant Terms and Conditions.
Like why Service NSW vanished its original 2021 Grant Guidelines that facilitated “Alternative Rules”? subsequently disappear from its record?
Such ‘Attachment C‘: above as a core component of Service NSW’s original 2021 alternative rules for businesses that for various operational circumstances did not the time meet Service NSW’s ignorant bureaucrats presumed standard eligibility criteria for the COVID-19 Micro-business Grant, get subsequently deleted by Service NSW?
How very sus!
Service NSW’s ‘mammoth’ Ts & Cs morphed by Service NSW’s secret internal ‘Business Bureau’ into some convenient watered down ‘elephant’ to suit extortionate ends by its contracted backroom legal eagles, no doubt paid on a commission/bonus performance basis.
Dodgy or what?