Grand incontinence and the defecation of Dardanelles

Some tourists are pigs. They defile world heritage as a toilet.
Our colleague while hiking along Dardanelles Pass last month, happened upon a single use above ground tourist crock, tissues and all. It was just on the side the tack in full view, freshly defecated in full daylight no shame, no respect. Disgusting experience that became the memory of the track section. There are toilets at Echo Point.
Often the more trampled tracks by daytrippers are littered with tissue clusters, from a tourist squat. It’s like the graffiti initials typically defiling many a sandstone rock overhang trackside.
Even on a famil through the Grand Canyon last December, a volunteer from the Katoomba Information Centre decided it was appropriate to relieve himself in Greaves Creek. Couldn’t he wait? Couldn’t Gomez at least have done it further uphill at least 100m from the watercourse?
There are protocols for shitting and pissing in the woods. It’s about respect for the wild. Leave No Trace Australia prescibes the seven principles of minimal impact bushwalking. Shitting above ground trackside and pissing in creeks is contrary to minimal impact bushwalking.
Our friend at lotsafreshair website, who goes by the name the ‘Unexpected Outdoors Chick’ offers some detailed advice to tourists who wishe nbot to be labelled a pig.