If we suspected the NSW Labor ICAC was corrupted by Labor’s Minns Mafia, well we now have our suspicions also with the NSW Police Force, and the stench seems to go to the very top of the food chain, again. NSW Labor ICAC is controlled by its politically appointed Chief Commissioner John Hatzistergos, a Labor Party member and former NSW […]
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Our Critical Analysis of NSW I.C.A.C.’s response rejection letter to our substantiated complaints of corruption by the NSW Government: We herein condemn and discredit the New South Wales Independent Commission Against Corruption, ‘so-called’ (ICAC), in its 16th October 2024 dismissive rejection letter back to us. This despite our recent copious detailed allegations to ICAC about the ongoing serious, institutionalised and […]
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So on 16th October 2024, one receives an email from the I.C.A.C. dismissing our case outright thus, the ICAC Assessment Panel supposedly using its own narrow definition of what ‘corruption in public office’ is: [We provide a reminder of what others consider to be that definition] Complaint to ICAC against Service NSW Grant Clawback Extortion Scheme (PART 1) Remember […]
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We supply further evidence of NSW Government corrupt extortion to the NSW I.C.A.C. by email icac@icac.nsw.gov.au thus: To date, from our online campaign publicity against Service NSW grant clawback extortion we have received 37 contacts from grant recipients being targeted. This article represents the fourth batch of correspondence records of those complainants as evidence to the I.C.A.C. This batch […]
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So, we supply the evidence of NSW Government corrupt extortion to the NSW I.C.A.C. by email icac@icac.nsw.gov.au thus: To date, from our online campaign publicity against Service NSW grant clawback extortion we have received 36 contacts from grant recipients being targeted. This article represents the third batch of ten correspondence records of those complainants as evidence to the I.C.A.C. […]
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So, we supply the evidence of NSW Government corrupt extortion to the NSW I.C.A.C. by email icac@icac.nsw.gov.au thus: To date, from our online campaign publicity against Service NSW grant clawback extortion we have received 36 contacts from grant recipients being targeted. This article represents the second batch of ten correspondence records of those complainants as evidence to the […]
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So, we supply the evidence of NSW Government corrupt extortion to the NSW I.C.A.C. by email icac@icac.nsw.gov.au thus: To date, from our online campaign publicity against Service NSW grant clawback extortion we have received 36 contacts from grant recipients being targeted. This article represents the first batch of ten correspondence records of those complainants as evidence to the […]
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We haven’t dealt with the NSW I.C.A.C. before. One’s never had the need, nor dare say been targeted by this state Commission. But then one’s not in the NSW Government and chooses not to mix in such circles. Though yet in a previous life, one has contracted for a number of different NSW Government public authorities over a decade or […]
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Continuing with our correspondence with the NSW I.C.A.C., following our reported complaint to it 13th September 2024, we begin challenging ICAC’s preliminary curse dismissive approach to our serious complaint: (1) Before ICAC has even received our supportive evidence, and (2) Before ICAC’s Assessment Panel has even assessed our complaint. We ponder whether we were likely to received a fair hearing […]
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RE: ICAC Report Case ref E24/1996 lodged 13th September 2024. Continuing with our correspondence with the NSW I.C.A.C., following our reported complaint to the ICAC 13th September 2024, we follow up with a courteous notice to ICAC of our intention to provide supportive evidence. We address the following two emails to ICAC’s public contact who has acknowledged receipt of our […]
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So, following our formal submission to the NSW I.C.A.C. dated 14th September 2024 exposing Service NSW grant clawback and extortion and accusing it of corruption by this NSW public authority, we receive the following email acknowledgement dated 18th September 2024 from ICAC: Ok, so NSW I.C.A.C. has acknowledged receipt of our reported complaint via its official website of corruption […]
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What is Corruption? ‘Corruption‘ means the abuse of a position of employment, authority or trust to gain a business or personal benefit or advantage. It can also include making improper requests of Public Officials whereby the Public Official is asked to breach or contravene an applicable law or exceed their scope of authority.” In the state of Victoria, The Independent […]
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