Grant Recipient ‘Taylor’ targeted by Service NSW unconscionable clawback extortion wins! Watch Nine’s A Current Affair – Episode 3

Taylor wins!
Small business owner, professional musician ‘Taylor’ has finally won her fight against the wicked clawback of Service NSW, which since 2022 has unconscionably and corruptly targeted thousands of NSW small business owners to repay its ‘2021 COVID-19 Micro Business Grant’ of up to $15,214 and more.
Taylor agreed to publicise her plight on television with the support of Channel Nine’s A Current Affair programme.
And it’s paid off!
Nine’s committed Current Affairs Reporter Lauren went around to personally congratulate Taylor on her win. It went to air on TV yesterday, Wednesday 30th October 2024.
We recommend watching the video by podcast available on Nine Now.
This is because this is such a positive win and its an encouraging inspiration by Taylor to all others similarly impacted to not to give up and keep up the good fight.
Ordinary folk like this have done nothing wrong by having applied for the pandemic grant funding from the NSW Government back in 2021 during unprecedented lockdown times.
Recall that those few years in recent memory were truly desperate times for many being forced by government into imposed lockdown and denied their ability to work because of the government’s quarantine failures and subsequent blanket lockdown response. Most living Australians have never copped such a wartime like dictat.
So those grant funds became a life saver for the 63,000 small business owners like Taylor who applied and receive that vital funding to keep going and stay afloat. Those funds were never ever a debt to be repaid later when the bad times ended.
We congratulate Taylor’s tenacity and exonerated victory out of all this stressful time! She always had her family’s close support. We also express our gratitude for those affected small business owners who have generously reached out to others in the same boat just by simple chat support strangers. That has been so vital and such a human trait to be celebrated.
Now Taylor can return to what she enjoys most.
A good news story. A happy result indeed. Thanks Lauren. Thanks ‘A Current Affair’.