Minns Mafia: how its $781 million grant extortion racket works

If Australians thought foreign scammers were bad, well the Australian public ain’t seen nothing once they discover the scale of extortion currently going on from inside this government office building in downtown Sydney.
This is the headquarters of the New South Wales Government’s department it brands ‘Service NSW‘. But thousands of small business owners are realising that ‘Service NSW’ is oxymoronic; it is anything but providing a service to NSW.
It is a corrupt agency engaging in extortion activity to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars.
Since the state election in 25 March 2023 and the incoming Minns Labor Ministry, a secret internal sub-department within Service NSW inside this office building dubbed ‘The Business Bureau‘ has been extorting paid out pandemic grant compensation back from thousands of legitimate honest business owners using fabricated unsubstantiated accusations of fraud, harassment, intimidation and threats by phone and by email. The value of each paid out grant from 2021 varies between $10,000 and $15,214 per grant recipient business.
The scale of this extortion racket extends to more than 60,000 grant recipient business owners across New South Wales totalling a whopping potential dollar value of $781.1 million! See below.

SOURCE: Closed programs – statistics, Service NSW website (accessed 2024-09-04) https://www.service.nsw.gov.au/performance-dashboard/closed-programs-statistics
How the Extortion Racket Operates
1. Long after all the grant contracts (and ‘so-called audit’ window) terminated two years after the last payment instalments were made in December 2021 as per the grant terms and conditions (Clause 4.8); Service NSW defies those terms and conditions and continues to maintain the personal details of each of the 82497 grant applicants. It’s only focus now is on the 63007 paid the $781.1 million.
2. Service NSW since August 2024 is no longer even bothering to retrospectively scrutinise the eligibility criteria of each grant recipient again. Instead, its just blanketly tar-brushing every one of the 63007 grant recipients as being automatically retrospectively “ineligible” just like that, without any basis. It is fabricating its determination thus:
“The fees have been charged for the MB Support Grant 21 – Application as the eligibility criteria were not met“.
(See this same determination below on a copy of a redacted invoice we obtained from one of the grant recipients).
3. Then Service NSW has roneoed off thousands of invoices, one for each grant recipient for the entire value of the grant payment amount. Just like that. Like net fishing the pool of 63007 grant recipients to see how much money the bureaucrats can net.

Graphic of Service NSW net fishing grant recipients. [SOURCE: Image Creator: Alejo Miranda] Note: we could have also used the ‘low hanging fruit’ analogy.
Below is an example of one of the thousands of invoices generated on behalf of Service NSW on the same day – each with the exactly same ‘Reason for Determination’ (even though there is no explanation, and no explanation has been given to the subject recipient), also the same ‘Date of Decision’, ‘Issue Date’ and ‘Due Date’. The ‘Invoice Number’ is a copy-paste of the Service NSW ‘COL (grant) Application number’.
How many colour toner cartridges did they go through that day?
Further, each invoice states that Service NSW has relinquished all involvement in the matter and has referred it completely to another department for pure debt collection, Revenue NSW – an agency within the Department of Finance.
So a licence to print money – that is to create a fake debt premised on the false accusation of unsubstantiated ineligibility.
Further, the contractual deadline of the grant for contacting a grant recipient expired are 24 months (December 2023, as per the grant’s Terms and Conditions Clause 4.8, which reads thus:
Subsequent contact after December 2023 including by invoice is outside the contract provisions.
Also note that the invoicing is not by Service NSW, but by a completely different department – the ‘Department of Customer Service’ which is s different entity having a different ABN to Service NSW. The invoice is not only dodgy and fabricated, it is invalid, a con, a scam by Service NSW backroom bureaucrats – Cassandra Gibbens (Executive Director of the secretive internal Business Bureau.
Gibbens reports to Service NSW CEO Greg Wells.
These bureaucrats in charge are under the delusion that they have a licence to fabricate debts owing to Service NSW, like a license to print money and can do so with absolute impunity. This unscrupulous government department is acting completely outside its mandate and outside the law. The activity is also completely immoral.
4. Further, each of the thousands of these invoices being issued include a second page overleaf, thus:
This second page contains threats in writing – that the grant recipient suddenly now has that paid out grant converted into a fabricated unjustified debt.
Further, no payment threatens to escalate the unpaid invoice into a ‘Debt Notice’ then subsequently triggering a ‘Debt Recovery Order’ if still unpaid, then intimidating Debt Recovery Action’. Quote:
Intimidation towards someone to gain a financial benefit is the legal definition of ‘extortion’. It is a serious criminal offence under the Australian CRIMES ACT 1914.
All this scam has the full knowledge and condoning of the Minns Ministry under Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government Jihad Dib MP in cahoots with the Minister for Finance Courtney Houssos MLC. Neither has commerce or business qualifications, let alone accounting or finance qualifications. Both have Arts degrees and white teeth – diversity quota seat warmers.