NSW Police Commissioner refuses to reveal $20+ million cyber-fraud of Micro Business Grant

If we suspected the NSW Labor ICAC was corrupted by Labor’s Minns Mafia, well we now have our suspicions also with the NSW Police Force, and the stench seems to go to the very top of the food chain, again.

NSW Labor ICAC is controlled by its politically appointed Chief Commissioner John Hatzistergos, a Labor Party member and former NSW Labor Government minister in various capacities.   Labor’s Chris Minns is currently NSW Premier.  The NSW Police are controlled under Labor’s current Minister for Police and Counter-terrorism, Yasmin Catley MP.

Karen Webb, where are the defrauded missing millions investigated by the NSW Police Force in 2021?  It’s public money  missing, so come clean!

It seems NSW Labor Party’s pseudo-mafiosi mentality of mutual back scratching goes all the way to the top, then Minn’s cash-strapped Treasury’s consolidated revenue.

Governmental extortion and fraud in New South Wales – the buck stops with this lot – all politicians, no judiciary

This particular article herein concerns the Service NSW 2021 COVID-19 Micro Business Grant and the discovered REAL fraud of at least $20 million by cyber criminals scamming the grant payments.  This grant cyber-fraud was detected and referred as a criminal fraud matter by the then Service NSW CEO Damon Rees directly to NSW Police command on 9th November 2021.  But the timing was some four months after the grant payments had commenced by Service NSW.

Back on Boxing Day 26th December 2024, we wrote our ‘Boxing Day Letter’ to the New South Wales Police Commissioner Karen Webb, APM.  That letter we sent by registered snail mail, and so we know they received it at Parramatta Police Force’s HQ on Monday 30th December 2024.

Our letter asked where the missing millions had gone from the NSW Police’s very publicly announced fraud investigation ‘Strike Force Sainsbery‘ on 9th November 2021 into reportedly at least $20 million missing from Service NSW’s Micro Business Grant paid out during that year.  We reproduce that letter below in this blog article.

However, we are yet to receive a reply and we are now into March 2025, more than two months later.  There is classic public perception across Australia that the best timing for the Japanese military during WWII to have invaded Australia as they intended was over our Christmas holiday break when all public servants were absent on leave and uncontactable.  If that eventuated, likely all Aussies would be compelled to speak Japanese by now.

All we have thus far received from the ‘Office of the Commissioner’ NSW Police Force at its Parramatta HQ is a belated acknowledgement that has been anonymously signed on 10th January 2025, then post stamped 17 January 2025, the received by us in Katoomba on 21st January 2025.  See copy as follows:

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Now we observe from this letter of acknowledgement to us from the Office of the Commissioner (of NSW Police Force) that it conveys some ‘problem avoidance’ issues, namely:

  1. The Office of the Commissioner is vague in reply by stating: “The matter has been referred to the relevant command within the NSW Police Force for appropriate attention” – but what relevant command?
  2. It is not signed by NSW Police Commissioner Karen Webb – so has this Commissioner even received our letter, or been politically sidelined to the ’round filing cabinet’?
  3. It is signed anonymously. Why?
  4. It is signed on NSW Police Force letterhead on behalf of “Manager, Ministerial and Executive Services“. Why?


Why?  Well, presumably the ministerial reference is code for the NSW Minister for Police and Counter-Terrorism Yasmin Catley, a qualified librarian with a record of incompetence and handing key jobs to mates.

This is all pointing towards a missing millions cover up – by Service NSW, Revenue NSW, NSW Police and the Minns Mafia Ministry – Jihad Dib MP, Courtney Houssos MLC, Yasmin Catley MP and goaded by Godfather Premier Chris Minns.

The total paid out grant in this case amounted to a staggering $781.9 million paid out by Service NSW department within the Berejiklian Liberal NSW Government at the time.  The grant was entirely as a pandemic lockdown ‘guilt gift‘ from the then Federal Morrison Liberal Government to be divvied out to NSW micro businesses by the then Berejiklian Liberal NSW Government at Gladys’ request.  A case of the Liberals helping fellow Liberals…with Australian taxpayer’s public money.

Let’s firstly go to the crux of this issue:



And our follow up 2024 ‘Boxing Day Letter‘ (redacted for Internet privacy) to NSW Police Commissioner Karen Webb:

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Like we’ve mentioned, we have had no reply to this for more than two months.

Background to the NSW 2021 COVID-19 Micro Business Grant

As a consequence of both Liberal Federal Government and NSW Government catastrophic failings to quarantine Australian from the Chinavirus from late 2019; realising that mandatory lockdown imposed NSW-wide by the NSW Berejiklian Liberal Government, various guilt compo grants were offered to impacted businesses.

In 2021, upon the recent spread of a new ‘Delta’ strain of the virus, NSW Premier Berejiklian on 13th July 2021, publicly announced a comprehensive economic support package worth billions of dollars aimed at helping businesses and people right across the state fight through the current COVID-19 lockdown.  The commitment would now be up to $5.1 billion, including more than $1 billion from the Commonwealth as part of a business and employee support programme.

As part of this a new grant programme would be called the ‘2021 COVID-19 Micro Business Grant’ with grants for smaller micro businesses with turnover between $30,000 and $75,000.

Notably, the funding was not coming from NSW Treasury but from Canberra using Australian taxpayers money just for NSW businesses in this case.  We have covered this matter in a previous article, thus:

Liberal Prime Minister Morrison was the financial source of Liberal Premier Berejiklian’s Micro Business Grant


[1]  ‘Strike Force Sainsbery: COVID Grant Fraud‘, 2021-12-14, A Police Investigation in  NSW, Hugo Law Group, ^https://hugolawgroup.com.au/insights/strike-force-sainsbery-police-investigation-into-covid-19-grant-fraud-in-nsw/

[2] ‘NSW govt technology chief steps down to lead Service NSW‘, 2022-11-30, by Justin Hendry, Editor, 30 November 2022, Innovation Australia, ^https://www.innovationaus.com/nsw-govt-technology-chief-steps-down-to-lead-service-nsw/

NSW govt technology chief steps down to lead Service NSW


[3]  ‘COVID-19 Fighting fund to protect businesses, save jobs and support NSW through lockdown‘, 2021-07-13, Media Release by NSW Treasurer Dominic Perrottet, ^https://www.treasury.nsw.gov.au/news/media-release-berejiklian-perrottet-covid-19-fighting-fund-protect-businesses-save-jobs-and

[4]  ‘The NSW government has appointed Greg Wells as its whole-of-government chief information and digital officer‘, 2018-03-05, Public Service Association of NSW’s post, by the Public Service Association of NSW,  ^https://www.facebook.com/PSANSW/posts/the-nsw-government-has-appointed-greg-wells-as-its-whole-of-government-chief-inf/1596500180464390/
