Service NSW disingenuous Grant Clawback Values Statement

The criminal extortionists at Service NSW must be kidding themselves in their bureaucratic bubble. We found this rubbish on its website today…
“Our organisation
At Service NSW, a positive customer experience is our highest priority. We draw on the best in service delivery from the public and private sector to provide leading customer experiences.
We are a connected, trusted and caring part of NSW communities providing a world-class experience to access anything you need from NSW government in person, online or over the phone.
We are committed to enhancing the quality of life in NSW by making it easy for people, businesses and communities to access the support and services they need.
We are part of the Department of Customer Service, which has a vision to be the world’s most customer-centric government.
We are a ‘Network Leader’ through the provision of the MyServiceNSW Account and as the single front door for government services. We lead ‘Service Delivery and Reform’ through our Service NSW omni-channel and Service NSW Business Bureau.
Our values
- Passion
- Teamwork
- Accountability
- Service
- Integrity
- Trust
Last updated: 9 September 2024
We welcome your feedback to help us improve what we do and how we do it. View the latest annual report to find out more about our work.”
Ok, so it’s feedback these bastards want?
Barry O’Farrell’s Service NSW brain-snap creation from back in 2012 is down there at the bottom with the worst and costliest political errors in Australia’s history, alongside Centrelink’s Robodebt ‘A.I.’ of 2016-2019 and the creation of the obscenely extravagant polly bubble that is ‘Canberra’ since 1913 (the cumulative opportunity cost of moving the nation’s capital from Melbourne has cost how many trillion?)
From our nightmare experience with Service NSW – of copping abuse, fabricated fraud accusations, intimidation, threats, extortion from Service NSW anonymous debt collecting contractors on commission, we consider the organisation to be a criminal mafia-type extortion racket targeting innocent ordinary Australian small businesses.
The above statement on the Service NSW website are deceitful lies and probably just copy-pasted from some other website by an external consulting firm at taxpayer expense of course.
If you want to cop the worse customer experience in Australia, this is what to expect.
At Service NSW, its highest priority is extortion.
It’s vision is world class extortion.
It’s purpose is to steal grant monies from the back accounts of small businesses and while their at it run a campaign of intimidation driving its targets to anguish, fear and worse.
It’s debt collectors and bureaucrats are committed to drivingt these mental illness symptoms:
Service NSW Business Bureau considers its selfish and intimidating role and vision to be the world’s worst scam bureaucracy, delivering backdoor for its own financial gain.
It values:
- Greed
- Self Interest
- Hate
- Abuse
- Impunity
- Corruption
- Extortion
- Deceit
The following logo strikes a sense of dread to the 63,009 COVID-19 grant recipients Service NSW has been targeting by clawback email since 2022.
NSW I.C.A.C. if it had any relevance and integrity, needs to immediately order the prompt employment termination of those ultimately responsible for Service NSW Grant Audit programme (scam), notably Cassandra Gibbens (Executive Director, Service NSW Business Bureau), Service NSW current Chief Executive Officer Greg Wells, and The Hon. Jihad DIB, MP Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government (Service NSW), as well as the prompt winding up of Service NSW’s Business Bureau and for NSW Treasury to immediately reimburse any monies paid to Service NSW in relation to its Grant Audit scam.