Transport for NSW Minister Jo Haylen goes low brow entrapment of our small business

So after we received that recent intimidating threat from the NSW Government’s department Transport For NSW to fine us $110,000 plus…
NSW Government $110,000+ fine threat from Minister Jo Haylen’s Transport Department – nice one!
.. within a week later we cop this entrapment con email from dodgy same:
Seriously, we don’t do bag transfers. Ring a taxi!
Note that this incoming email was forwarded. Dodgy as!
That email above is so fake and so unbelievable and so contrived by Transport for NSW Minister Jo Haylen that her staff will stoop so low to try to entrap us so to fine us $110,000. These outsourced debt collectors must be surely paid on a commission basis only.
But we didn’t come down in the last rain shower. Get a life Jo Haylen MP!
Of course we replied diplomatically, but under no illusions, thus …
Hello Sarah,
Thank you for your enquiry.
I presume your enquiry is legitimate.
However, I regret that we are unable to assist you.
This is because a recent threat we have received in writing from the local NSW Government’s Transport Department is that if we use our tour vehicle we will be fined $110,000.
The NSW Government is effectively denying us to trade and is effectively shutting us down.
We are taking legal and political action to challenge our basic rights.
NB. Good try Kimberley Warren
Tour Director
This is that threat:
FROM: P2P Service Delivery
DATE: 15-April 2024
Good Afternoon Steven,
It has been brought to the attention of The Point to Point Transport Commission that you are operating passenger services in Blue Mountains NSW. In NSW, Point to Point transport is any passenger service in a vehicle (other than a bus) that can take customers on the route they choose, at a time that suits them, for a fare. This includes taxis, limousines, rideshare services, airport transfers and other hire vehicles.
If you choose not to become authorised as a Booking Service provider, you will need to cease offering & advertising passenger services in Blue Mountains.
Penalties of up to $110,000 apply for anyone providing an unauthorised taxi or booking service, while drivers will face penalties if they take bookings or carry out passenger services from unauthorised service providers. Penalties are much higher for second or subsequent offences.
Please see below for links to our website and the current legislation and regulation.
As discussed in our phone call this afternoon you are not permitted to advertise these services if you are not an authorised booking service provider. Also discussed, I will view your website on 19 April 2024 in order to confirm that all advertising has been removed.
Yours Sincerely
Kimberley Warren
Service & Industry Liaison Officer
NSW Point to Point Transport Commission