NSW Government’s COVID NAZI Police fines scrapped retrospectively FINALLY! – all remaining 29,028 meted out during Premier Perrottet’s tyrannical ‘we know what’s best’ regime

NSW Premier Perrottet’s notorious COVID fine blitz.   Just recently, it has been reported in the media from Tuesday 26th November 2024 that New South Wales Commissioner of Fines Administration Scott Johnston is to withdraw and repay more than 23,000 COVID fines issued during the COVID-19 pandemic. In a statement, Johnston said he has exercised his statutory authority to withdraw […]

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The Liberal Party’s COVID-NAZI lockdown regime in NSW [2020-2022]

It was under New South Wales (NSW) Treasurer Dominic Perrottet‘s reign (Jan-2017 to Oct 2021) that thousands were excessively fined for ridiculous COVID lockdown justifications, like sitting in a park away from others, wearing a face mask. Under the NSW Liberal Party’s Berejiklian Government’s Public Health Order Lockdown Regime [2020-2022], Treasurer Dominic Perrottet ruled both NSW Treasury and Revenue NSW […]

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