Nature Trail Launched

It was after much planning, preparation and investment that last Saturday 2nd September 2017 with great pleasure, Nature Trail was finally launched.
Invited to the rather informal morning tea at Nature Trail Base were Anna, Annette, Geoff, Ivan, Phillip and local historian John Low OAM.
John arrived from his new home in Portland and good local friends supportive of the spirit of interpretative bushwalking all gathered in Katoomba on this mild and sunny Spring morning.
Joining Steve in The Glen, the seven foundation Friends of Nature Trail discussed the opportunities and benefits of this new outdoors venture. It promises to be a healthy and fun celebration of the magnificent Blue Mountains’ natural and cultural landscape and extending beyond into the adjoining rich and varied Central West countryside.
Steve said,
“In some way, everyone present here has contributed ideas and encouragement to me setting up Nature Trail. So I welcome each of you and thank you personally. Some of you may not know all the others here, yet I sense after tea we shall.
I have conceived Nature Trail as a way of keeping fit and healthy while enjoying the great Blue Mountains in which we live.
My intention is to start off non-commercially in order to undertake practice trips at no cost with trusted people I know, as an informal walking group – ‘Friends of Nature Trail’ – if you like.”
Anna’s mint slices were a treat, the tea was strong and the company warm. We thank all involved and especially John for coming all the way and for Phillip’s generous impromptu tour of his inspiring Japanese garden.